McMurry Lab
Scott McMurry
Regents Professor
Department of Integrated Biology
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078

405-744-5650 (office)

This lab's research interests center on how stressors in the environment influence wildlife. Stressors are broadly interpreted to include environmental contaminants, habitat alteration, and climate, etc. Most of our projects include both a field and laboratory component.
Over the past several years Dr. McMurry has worked with a variety of wildlife species in numerous terrestrial and aquatic systems throughout North America and Central America. Recently, the bulk of his work has focused on the influence of anthropogenic stressors (pollutants and sediments) on amphibians in playa wetlands. The main interest is in how agricultural activities effect amphibian community composition, amphibian immunity, effects caused by exposure to chemicals in the environment and on individual behavior.
This work is in collaboration with other members of the department and he continues with many of these studies at sites ranging from Texas to Nebraska.